I'm happy and relieved to be writing this from a much better perspective than last week. I feel like the happenings this week have been a very welcome breath of fresh air into our lives. Almost like the beginning of spring is showing us that things are hopeful. First, there was a successful day at school on Monday. No outbursts, no incidents. A good report. Then, off to school again Tuesday. I was sitting at the computer catching up on some email when the phone rang- caller ID said it was "Schodack Central". All I could think was "Oh no- here we go again." Fortunately it was not bad news- Mrs. Cook was calling to tell me that school was being dismissed early due to a flood in the school basement, and that I could come and pick up Sam at any time. When I got there to pick him up, he was very upset to be going home. He was not understanding that all the kids were going home- he must have thought that he was in trouble again. I tried to explain what was happening as calmly as I could, then we laughed about how it would be hard to be in school with water on the floors. By the time we got to the car, he had calmed down and was excited about the prospect of spending the morning at Kathleen's. It took me all of 2 or 3 minutes to get him calmed down!
The problem in the basement could not be fixed in one day, so school was cancelled again today. I really feel as if this time is a gift- like it's just the breather we need to step back and get our footing again. Sam has had a really successful few days. He's been cooperative, happy and a joy to be around at home. He's willing to "go with the flow" and do things as they crop up. Any anxiety he has over routine change seems to be pretty easily gotten over. So tomorrow he'll presumably go back to school, then Friday he's off anyway due to scheduled conferences. Sooo, in my mind I just think "One more day to get through, then a 3 day weekend".
Of course I'm still concerned about his behavior last week. I know it's only been a few days of smoothness, but I feel like each day that goes like this, is another day "in the bank". I know the meetings will eventually get scheduled, and we'll be taking a hard look at everything that has happened. I hope 2 things happen if things are still going smoothly when we all get together and meet.
1. That enough time will have passed since the problems that the teachers will be able to see them in context.
2. That I don't get too complacent just because things are going well. I have to remember that the rough spots always return- the best thing I can do is make a plan to be prepared for them!
I keep thinking about what Becky's husband Jack said to me at the library on Monday night- that often behaviors will get worse (sometimes much worse) before they get better when an intervention is working. I know he's right- I've read it many times. It's good to hear it from someone else, though.
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