It's the time of year to look back at the high and low points of the last 12 months, and to make resolutions. Whether we like to admit it or not, I think nearly everyone resolves to improve themselves or the world around them around New Year's. Keeping those resolutions is another story, but in the spirit of eternal hope, here's a few things I want to work on in 2009:
1. Accentuate more of Sam's positive accomplishments to him. RDI has brought me a long way down the road toward de-emphasizing the negative, but now I want to go a step further- to catch Sam in the act of doing the right thing, especially in situations that I know are difficult for him. I'm reading a book about "The Nurtured Heart Approach" which offers techniques for putting the focus on accomplishments, in an effort to make the need for negative reinforcement less. Once again, I have a fellow blogger to thank for bringing this book and approach to my attention.
2. Let go of some of the guilt and constant worry that I'm not doing enough. Many people have been kind enough to point out to me that they think I'm doing a good job, by either observing or by what they have read here. I so appreciate all your encouraging words, but now I really want to take them to heart. I want to get rid of the aspect of worry that makes me feel inadequate, but keep the part that drives me to "tweak" everything and to think outside of the box. I guess there are positives and negatives to every "flaw" we perceive in ourselves.
3. Reach out to others who are in a similar situation as ours and find a way to help them. If it's holding support group meetings more regularly, or just chatting with someone who's having an off day, I want to feel like some of the experience I've had over the past few years might help someone else too.
4. Make it a point to get together with many of the old friends I've lost touch with. I know a lot of you read this blog, and it seems like the only time we correspond is during the holidays. This year I'd like to actually get together, laugh and reminisce about the past, and catch up on the present.
I hope all of you have a wonderful 2009, and have success keeping your own resolutions!